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Collaboration partner

Freddy Kee Group Executive Producer from Shooting Gallery Asia








Freddy currently spearheads the production unit, commanding a team of Producers and Assistant Producers in numerous countries. Besides guiding and motivating them, he also sets the general direction and provides the capable leadership needed to achieve impeccable standards in the areas of all the shooting related things.


Ever so enthusiastic, Freddy has earned an odd reputation for being a joker and a person with a special affinity for sports and games. In reality, he has already earned an enviable reputation in the industry with a number of award-winning campaigns tucked under his belt.

Andy Ho

Industry Veteran in the film and advertising industry

Founder of RICE & Partners


オンライン オフライン問わず、



RICE & Partnersは、2015年にDIGIPOST(ベトナムで最新鋭の映像エフェクト、アニメーション音響装備を配した映像スタジオ)で数々の賞を受賞している映画製作者 Andyを中心に、ベトナム初のコンテンツ・マーケティングカンパニーとして設立されました。




Discovery Channel、National Geographic、Travel & Living、Channel News Asiaともパートナーを組み、自らのOn Line PlatformであるRICE CHANNELでもCreativity溢れるコンテンツをベトナムのみならず世界中に発信いたしております。


RICE & Partners is established at DIGI POST in 2015 (the first non-linear digital post-house with animation sound equipment) and we are the first content marketing company by one of the top filmmakers in Vietnam. We are a team of writers, artists, filmmakers and marketing professionals with a passion for film and art and a commitment to producing meaningful content of the highest quality. We have partnered with established networks such as Discovery Channel, National Geographic ,Travel & Living and Channel News Asia. We also run RICE CHANNEL, a platform for us to express our creativity and support people and communities in Vietnam and beyond.


Nobumi Sato CEO from e-Agency Sngapore and Indonesia(HQ in Japan)






e-Agency Singapore and Indonesiaは2012年に設立され、SEアジアでデジタルインフラの最先端技術をフル活用し、EC, セールスオートメーションなどの分野で次世代のソリューションを提供しています。


Sales Support ASP: お客様とセールスマネージャー、セースルチームを常時接続。最良な『製品購入体験』をお客様に提供し、セールスチームが顧客訪問に集中できるよう、報告、発注書、見積書、請求書などのデスクワークを自動化し、『販売機会』を最大限に活かすことのできるプラットフォームです。


ECCS (Enterprise Cloud Commerce System) : ECCSは全ての登録済みチャネルにて、常時、お客様との接点(販売機会)と繋がることができる e コマースブランドサイトプラットフォームです。現在において、実店舗、または自社eコマースブランドサイトのみでの商品販売は、孤島での商品販売と同義です。 『オムニチャネル施策』は、実店舗の強みを活かしオン/オフラインの販売チャネルを結びつけ、各国のトップ eマーケットプレイスへの販売機会を最大限活用していきます。 ECCSによる、『オムニチャネル施策』は、お客様への『サービス向上』とともに、『販売機会』を最大化する最も効果的な方法です


Established in 2012, we are a company of Digital Integration Services, we  fully utilize cutting edge of digital infrastructure technology in SE Asia and offer next-generation solution in fields such as EC and sales automation.


Sales automating support ASP (Sales Support Application)  In order to provide the best product purchase experience and satisfy the customers, it is important to create as environment where your sales team concentrate on frequent, optimal client visits to the customers, we need to make sure that sales team are able to focus on customer visit. This platform will arrange the schedule of the sales team with the best preparation for the customers with automates complicated deskwork but also optimizes product stock scattered in various places and shares information in real time.


ECCS (Enterprise Cloud Commerce System) which is able to connect the sales opportunities (touch point) with the customers all the time, trough all registered channels.  Even if consumers move across sales channels and devices, ECCS will not lose the sight of its purchasing opportunities. Registered sales channels can offer seamless service regardless of real stores or e-stores, reading to purchasing behavior on the “Omni Channel”.

Sales サポート ASP

Arranging & Monitoring Meeting:

Sales Admin

Checking-in the Meeting:

Sales Representatives

Fong Chee Kiong Group Managing from Precise International

Chanel–The collaboration began in 2008 till present at which the partnership goals and objectives are acquiesce. Till present , we had delivered many prestige & exclusive delicate projects located in many countries like Singapore, Thailand, China, Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam & Philippines  etc…





Precise Internationalは、2006年にインテリア・エクステリアデザインソリューションを提供することを目指したチームにより設立されました。そこから生み出される専門的かつ一流のデザインそしてコンストラクション・サービスは、小売りから展示会、展覧会、特別展示およびイベントに至るまで幅広く対応し、高い評価を得ております。


He founded  Precise International in 2006 and was established by a dynamic team that sought to offer a comprehensive suite of design solutions. The creative individuals who comprise them specialize in offering top-notch design services for a wide range of applications, ranging from retail fit out ,exhibitions, special display& events and beyond.

Sulwhasoo – A global luxury beauty brand originated from Korea. The relationship with Precise is fruitful since 2010 & we had established multiple memorable & stunning projects around the globe including South east Asia , North Asia , Middle East , America & Oceanian etc…

Clarins Group – A Prestige skin care brand that Precise had supported & contributed our services to cover footprint Including Singapore, Philippines , Vietnam etc…

ROYCE’ - Founded in Sapporo in 1983 & making chocolate of world-class quality in Hokkaido. As a dedicated partner,  Precise International had fulfilled & entrusted island wide outlets in Singapore since 2009.

Estee Lauder Group – A multinational manufacturer and marketer of prestige skincare, makeup, fragrance from New York City. This Multiple group had enable Precise ‘s capability to diversify & yet maintain positive support to all decks . Our projects commenced since 2015 & mainly located in South East Asia….

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Collaboration partner
Collaboration partner

Freddy Kee

Group Executive Producer

from Shooting Gallery Asia









Freddy currently spearheads the

production unit, commanding a team of Producers and Assistant Producers in numerous countries. Besides guiding and motivating them, he also sets the general direction and provides the capable leadership needed to achieve impeccable standards in the areas of all the shooting related things.


Ever so enthusiastic, Freddy has earned an odd reputation for being a joker and a person with a special affinity for sports and games. In reality, he has already earned an enviable reputation in the industry with a number of award-winning campaigns tucked under his belt.

Andy Ho

Industry Veteran in the film and advertising industry Founder of RICE & Partners



オンライン オフライン問わず、



RICE & Partnersは、2015年にDIGIPOST(ベトナムで最新鋭の映像エフェクト、アニメーション音響装備を配した映像スタジオ)で数々の賞を受賞している映画製作者 Andyを中心に、ベトナム初のコンテンツ・マーケティングカンパニーとして設立されました。




Discovery Channel、National Geographic、Travel & Living、Channel News Asiaともパートナーを組み、自らのOn Line PlatformであるRICE CHANNELでもCreativity溢れるコンテンツをベトナムのみならず世界中に発信いたしております。


RICE & Partners is established at DIGI POST in 2015 (the first non-linear digital post-house with animation sound equipment) and we are the first content marketing company by one of the top filmmakers in Vietnam. We are a team of writers, artists, filmmakers and marketing professionals with a passion for film and art and a commitment to producing meaningful content of the highest quality. We have partnered with established networks such as Discovery Channel, National Geographic ,Travel & Living and Channel News Asia. We also run RICE CHANNEL, a platform for us to express our creativity and support people and communities in Vietnam and beyond.


Nobumi Sato

CEO from e-Agency Sngapore and Indonesia

(HQ in Japan)






e-Agency Singapore and Indonesiaは2012年に設立され、SEアジアでデジタルインフラの最先端技術をフル活用し、EC, セールスオートメーションなどの分野で次世代のソリューションを提供しています。


Sales Support ASP: お客様とセールスマネージャー、セースルチームを常時接続。



ECCS (Enterprise Cloud Commerce System) : ECCSは全ての登録済みチャネルにて、常時、お客様との接点(販売機会)と繋がることができる e コマースブランドサイトプラットフォームです。現在において、実店舗、または自社eコマースブランドサイトのみでの商品販売は、孤島での商品販売と同義です。 『オムニチャネル施策』は、実店舗の強みを活かしオン/オフラインの販売チャネルを結びつけ、各国のトップ eマーケットプレイスへの販売機会を最大限活用していきます。 ECCSによる、『オムニチャネル施策』は、お客様への『サービス向上』とともに、『販売機会』を最大化する最も効果的な方法です。


Established in 2012, we are a company of Digital Integration Services, we  fully utilize cutting edge of digital infrastructure technology in SE Asia and offer next-generation solution in fields such as EC and sales automation.


Sales automating support ASP (Sales Support Application)  In order to provide the best product purchase experience and satisfy the customers, it is important to create as environment where your sales team concentrate on frequent, optimal client visits to the customers, we need to make sure that sales team are able to focus on customer visit. This platform will arrange the schedule of the sales team with the best preparation for the customers with automates complicated deskwork but also optimizes product stock scattered in various places and shares information in real time.


ECCS (Enterprise Cloud Commerce System) which is able to connect the sales opportunities (touch point) with the customers all the time, trough all registered channels.  Even if consumers move across sales channels and devices, ECCS will not lose the sight of its purchasing opportunities. Registered sales channels can offer seamless service regardless of real stores or e-stores, reading to purchasing behavior on the “Omni Channel”.

Fong Chee Kiong

Group Managing from Precise International






Precise Internationalは、2006年にインテリア・エクステリアデザインソリューションを提供することを目指したチームにより設立されました。そこから生み出される専門的かつ一流のデザインそしてコンストラクション・サービスは、小売りから展示会、展覧会、特別展示およびイベントに至るまで幅広く対応し、高い評価を得ております。


He founded  Precise International in 2006 and was established by a dynamic team that sought to offer a comprehensive suite of design solutions. The creative individuals who comprise them specialize in offering top-notch design services for a wide range of applications, ranging from retail fit out ,exhibitions, special display& events and beyond.


© 2019 Assist Japan International.

All Rights Reserved.

Collaboration partner